Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Welcome, Mighty Mouse!

A new customer came into the Cantina today!


He is a cute Oak Titmouse, part of the Chickadees and Titmice family.


Though small in stature, he is spunky in spirit. We will call him Mighty Mouse.

IMG_6882 Hi, Mighty Mouse!

He dined at the Butterfly and Flower Cantinas with a fearless energy.

IMG_6887 Take that, you scrumptious seed!

Fun Fact: Oak Titmouse are territorial birds. They will even team up with other birds to defend against predators.

IMG_6890 That's me. Mighty.

I'm happy Mighty Mouse has found the Cantina as a place to regain his energy with a healthy and delicious meal between his heroic acts of saving the Courtyard.

IMG_6894_canva-edit "Here I come to eat the seed!"

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