Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Summer Gardening Update Part II: More Pumpkins, Natives, & Colorful Flowers

Here's what's happening in my Summer Gardening Update Part II!

IMG_5182 Liz hanging out in the summer heat

More Pumpkins

I sowed some pumpkins in cups because I didn't yet know where I was going to plant them, but I wanted to start the growing process. I'm hoping that the more I sow, the higher the chances of having a pumpkin - hopefully by Halloween! Date sown: July 20

And here's something interesting: look how fast they grow! I noticed on my morning garden patrol a few days after sowing that the sprouting seeds were pushing the dirt up above them.

July 24 9:10 AM IMG_5160


2:03 PM IMG_5184

A couple of days later, I decided to plant them on the slope. I sprinkled some fertilizer around them.

IMG_5220 Date planted in the ground: July 26

Native Sages: Hummingbird & Bee's Bliss

Just above the pumpkins on the slope is this section near the big boy tomato and where the annual poppy was. I tilled the soil for some more California natives.


The hummingbird and bee's bliss sages have done so well in the ground that I thought I'd plant more. As the names suggest, hummingbirds and bees like the nectar of the flowers these sages produce. I aim to expand the Cantina business for all other forms of local wildlife.

IMG_5271 Date planted: July 27

The next day, I planted the third pumpkin-from-a-cup between the sages.

IMG_5292 Date planted: July 28

And here's how they all look together:


More Botanic Apartment Residents: Nasturtiums, Marigolds, & Tomato

After the Apartment renovations, I noticed that the empty bottom tiers were collecting too much water. Without plants to drink up, the soil was soaking.

I went to the nursery to get more tomatoes, but they only had one. They said it was the end of the season for planting tomatoes. I got the one tomato and also nasturtiums and marigolds.

IMG_4946 IMG_4948

Date planted: July 19

The more roots to drink up the water, the better, is my thought.

The marigolds and tomatoes seem to do best in the tower. The nasturtiums have been happy, too, aside from being breakfast for cabbage butterflies...



... who, not long ago, were cabbageworms dining on the leaves of the spinach.


Olive Trees

I've been researching growing olive trees, so I was pleasantly surprised when my mom found Mission Olive Trees at Trader Joe's.


I planted one in the Courtyard in a pot next to the kumquat.

IMG_5226 Date planted: July 26

And the other on the Deck, in the pot the kumquat used to be – along with a snub of one of the propagated rosemary that I think the bunnies ate because one day on morning garden patrol, I noticed it looked like a chopped tree.

IMG_5247 Date planted: July 27

I used the palm, citrus, & cactus potting mix I had because I read they like well-draining, rocky soil. While these Mission Olives can grow to 20-50 feet tall(!), I read that they also can do well in pots.


Don't be deceived by the sun in this picture. It comes and goes very quickly over this section. For this reason, I got impatiens, a shade-loving flower.

IMG_5243 Date planted: July 26

It's been tricky to find something for the ground beneath the massive creeping fig vine. The soil is hard and full of roots. It's mostly shade. But I'm curious to see how these impatiens do. (I'll be patient to find out haha).

I also planted one in full shade next to the propagated fuchsia, which is looking very happy.

IMG_5240 Date planted: July 27


I got this zinnia because wow the color! The label also said sun or part shade, so I think it will enjoy the west-facing side of the Courtyard.

IMG_5280 Date planted: July 27


The Cayenne Pepper That Could

The person who does maintenance work planted a cayenne pepper under the lemon tree, but I took it out when I added fertilizer to the lemon because it was taking over the pot.

IMG_4210 Lemon: Hey, it's getting crowded in here!

First, I transplanted it into the pot the seaside daisy was in, but that was a bad idea. The mud as it was, I determined, is not suitable for any plant.

I then transplanted it into the pot that had the bush bean (yes, had. It didn't make it; I don't know why).

IMG_4559 I—think—I—can, I—think—I—can.

With some pruning, fertilizing, and perseverance, it's now prospering with many peppers after its transplant shock.

IMG_5660 I thought I could, I thought I could.

Basil Moves Into Bigger Pot

This basil has provided many fresh additions to meals. I'm curious how much it can produce, so I gave it a bigger pot with fresh soil and fertilizer.



In Other News

Many Blooms on Mandevilla

When I planted the Giant Peach Sunrise mandevilla, it didn't have any flowers. Since then, it has had a constant stream of beautiful blooms!

IMG_6686 IMG_6684

It is indeed so pretty.

Plumeria in a Pot Blooms Beautifully

Another beautiful splash of color in the Courtyard; one of the propagated plumeria cuttings has bloomed.


So vibrant!

Hibiscus Is Steady as She Goes

The hibiscus seems to be a slow but steady grower. More green growth is happening slowly, and it has bloomed a handful of times this summer.


Citrus Report

If you remember my post on citrus fitness last month, I wondered if we would see green leaves and lots of growth. I'm happy to report yes!

The kumquat is showing a healthy transformation. Take a look at the "then and now's" below:

IMG_4307 IMG_5616
IMG_4315 IMG_5507

The lemon is doing great, too. There are new leaves as well as new growth on the trunk.



The growth on the kumquat appeared to happen faster. This was a good lesson that it's probably best to add fertilizer at planting to help the plant get off to a great start.

The End (but not so fast because there are pictures of BJ)

Thanks for reading my Summer Gardening Update Part II! Stay tuned for Part III, and check out Part I if you missed it. Now what kind of post would this be if it didn't include some of the latest pics of our favorite Cantina regular.

IMG_6702 BJ's Hollywood headshot

IMG_6705 BJ doing his best rubber ducky impression

IMG_6698 BJ doing his best Simba on Pride Rock impression

IMG_6716 BJ taking his peanut to-go (as always)


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