Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Summer Gardening Update Part I: Pumpkins, Plumeria, Propagations & More

In addition to the citrus recovery and apartment remodel, here's an update on what's been happening in the Courtyard this summer – so far!

Propagating Plumeria

This project technically started in spring when my mom cut branches of our plumeria tree. My research said to let the cuttings dry out for a week. I left them for much longer than that. I think it was at least two months.

Finally, I planted a few in the leftover citrus potting mix I had.

IMG_4415 Date planted: June 26

Which brings us to...

a new visitor to the Courtyard!


Perhaps drawn by the perch-like branches, I spotted the new visitor on the newly planted plumeria. We will call her Lia.

Hi Lia!

IMG_4419 No photos, please.

Lia is a California Towhee. She likes perching on plumerias and scratching in the dirt for seed, which I spotted her doing!

I saw her a few times more exploring in the Courtyard, but haven't seen any recent sightings.


Going back to the plumeria, I planted another in the ground and a few more in pots. They already started growing leaves before I had planted them!


In the summer, the plumeria produces beautiful flowers. These are the type of flowers used for making Hawaiian leis. They smell very nice as well.


Just in the past few days, the tree has been blossoming.


IMG_6665 View through the Butterfly Cantina


I got an Angelonia for my grandma last month because of the name. And because it is pretty. I thought I'd like to grow one as well.

IMG_4473 Date planted: June 29

This is the Archangel variety. It is a perennial that blooms through fall and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Jalapeño Pepper

My local nursery had a bunch of peppers in stock, so I picked up this jalapeño. I like jalapeño peppers in dishes, so I'm excited to make something with it once it grows. Maybe a salsa or chili.

IMG_4476 Date planted: June 29

It has already grown a lot – and also a pepper!

IMG_5384 IMG_5383

Lavender Haircut

The lavender needed a haircut. Because the flowers had faded, it was time for deadheading. Doing this makes the plant focus on growing more.

The Makeovers

IMG_4509 IMG_4511
IMG_4512 IMG_4514

Date pruned: June 30

I left a few flowers, but in hindsight, I would have trimmed them too because the plant is already growing new ones.

The best part is having a lavender bouquet as decor.

IMG_4516 IMG_4576

Propagating Green Onions

Fun fact: You can grow green onions from your kitchen scraps!

Simply place the ends with roots in water, and like magic they will start growing.

IMG_4536 Date put in water: July 1

Here they are just three days later:


A day after that, I planted them in soil.


When I saw the roots reaching the bottom of the cups, I moved some into The Botanic Apartments and the others into a pot.

IMG_5402 IMG_5235

Date transplanted: July 27

Notice how they have grown multiple "branches."

An observation: When I planted them in soil, I added fertilizer to one cup as an experiment. When I took it out to transplant it, I noticed the roots were much longer than the others.



A big aspect of gardening is thinking ahead. For instance, if you want pumpkins by Halloween, you need to sow them in early July!

And that is what I did, because how fun would it be to carve jack-o-lanterns from homegrown pumpkins! 🎃 And to have a mini pumpkin patch.

The variety I got is called Jack O'Lantern.

IMG_5403 Can you tell that this packet has spent some time in my pocket?

To have the best chances of having a pumpkin to carve, I sowed the seeds in a couple of different places: the Stairway Slope and a pot in the Downstairs Patio.

Let's have a quick "how it started and how it's going" look!

On the Stairway Slope

IMG_4729 Date sowed: July 3

IMG_5370 July 30

In a pot in the Downstairs Patio

IMG_4717 Date sowed: July 6

IMG_5309 July 29

There was already soil in this pot that had been there for probably a long time. It was about as hard as a rock when I tried to till it. I'm happy the pumpkin plant doesn't seem to mind! Where the pumpkins will grow in (or outside of) this pot, I don't know, but I'm curious to see what happens and what I might need to do to support it.

I am most excited to grow pumpkins, and hopeful that they will indeed grow!

Sunflowers (and more Pumpkins)

I saw a packet of Evening Sun sunflower seeds at the market and thought they would look pretty going into fall. (Thinking ahead, see? 😉)


I sowed them on – let's call it for now, Yet Another Slope. This slope goes up to the Deck. It's also where I planted the plumeria.

Along with the new Evening Sun seeds, I also sowed more Lemon Queens and more Jack O'Lanterns. Fun fact: sunflowers and pumpkins are companions.

IMG_4735_edit Date planted: July 7

(orange = pumpkin; red = Evening Sun; yellow = Lemon Queen)

So far, two sunflowers are doing okay, and one of the pumpkins.


Transplanting Deep Rose Lavender

The deep rose lavender I planted in a shallow pot was looking like it needed a new living arrangement. So I upgraded its room to a suite.

IMG_5037 Date transplanted: July 21

IMG_5041 Nice. Room.

In Other News

Big Boy Tomato Was Delicious!

It was so full of flavor! I'm glad to enjoy the fruits of my labor.


IMG_5025 With some fresh Courtyard basil, too!

Hummingbird Sage Looks Beautiful

For a while after I transplanted the hummingbird sage, it seemed like it wasn't growing at all. Then it took off and grew a lot in a short time, creating these beautiful flowers.

IMG_4961 Hummingbirds, I know you want some of this.

Cherry Tomato Refuses to Climb Tower Trellis

IMG_4817 You can't make me!

I've picked many delicious tomatoes from it though, so it's okay.

Taylor Sparrow Becomes a Regular

I see Taylor Sparrow at the Cantinas often now. It's nice to see that her first time here wasn't just a weekend stop!

IMG_6550 Is that fresh seed I see?

IMG_6533 Yum, yum, yum.

IMG_6541 Such a nice cantina.

IMG_6558 Thanks for the seed and top-notch service! I'll see you soon!

Thanks for reading! I'll be back with Part II to my summer gardening, so stay tuned! 🐦‍⬛🪴 Subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

#birdwatching #gardening